Examinations for Principal Auctioneer, Apprentice Auctioneer, Livestock Auctioneer and Auction House Operator
The Board of Auctioneers contracts with the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) to proctor exams at 16 locations throughout the state. Registrations have begun for those that have submitted a complete exam application. If you have your pre-license course done and are ready to apply, please send in your completed application, supporting documents and payment to the Board office, the address is at the top of the Exam application. Once we receive your completed Exam application you will get an email from PPC.ISHELPDESK@KY.GOV to tell you how to finish setting up your account and choose which location, date, and time of your exam.
Completed exam packet consists of the examination application, the pre-license certificate (12 hours for Apprentice and AHO applicants or 80 hours for Principal applicants), a High School diploma/transcript or GED or College diploma/transcript, and the check for $125.00 made out to the Kentucky State Treasurer for the exam fee. FBI background reports are only good for 60-days, so we do not require those before taking the exam. You will receive an email from the Board Coordinator upon passing your exam with the information on obtaining the FBI report to send in with your initial license application and fee. If you do not pass the exam you will need to send another exam application and $125.00 fee to receive the registration email again.
The examinations are designed to protect the public by ensuring a minimum level of competence for licensees. It is impossible for the examination to cover all possible types and kinds of auctions a licensee might encounter. Instead, the examination attempts to cover auction law, general auction practice, professional ethics, terminology, mathematics, sales tax, plus common areas and auction types most likely to be encountered by the majority of today's auctioneers and auction house operators.
The link to the applications for the apprentice, principal, auction house operator and limited livestock examination and the study guide are available on this page. A study guide is included to assist the applicant with their study and preparations for examination by providing basic information and areas for study. The final responsibility for the complete study and proper preparation for the examination rests with the applicant and may require other sources.
An applicant for an apprentice auctioneer license or an auction house operator's license shall have successfully completed at least 12 hours of approved classroom instruction, consisting of the core course and six additional hours as prescribed by the board, from a board-approved auction education provider. (KRS 330.060 1 d). The auction courses required are 1. Kentucky Core Course (six hours) and 2. Kentucky Auction Basics Course (six hours).
An apprentice auctioneer applying for an auctioneer license shall serve a minimum of one year apprenticeship, submit a statement signed by the principal auctioneer verifying active and material participation in at lease 10 auctions prior to application and successfully complete at least 80 hours of approved classroom instruction from a board-approved auction education provider. If licensed before June 30, 2010, or after July 1, 2015, shall be required to successfully complete the auctioneer examination (KRS 330.070 1, 2).
Please make sure you have all the required documents when submitting your application, incomplete applications will not be processed. The Board Coordinator will reach out to you to let you know what is missing from your packet.
The following must be received in the Board office prior to receiving the email confirmation to register for the exam: Completed application including a 2x2 inch photo, signature(s), notary certification, all required education completion certificates, and the exam fee of $125.
The Kentucky Board of Auctioneers has approved the 80-hour auction education curriculum from the following schools:
Kentucky Auction Academy - Bowling Green, KY 270-780-9513
World Wide College of Auctioneering - Mason City, IA 800-423-5242
Ohio Auction School - Groveport, OH 800-947-9118
Southeastern School of Auctioneering - Pelzer, SC 864-947-2000
Florida Auction Academy - Orlando, FL 800-422-9155
Nashville Auction School - Clarksville, TN 865-800-0930
Missouri Auction School - Kansas City, MO 800-835-1955
Reppert School Of Auctioneering - Indianapolis, IN 317-300-1075
A-Pass-Weikel Institute - Louisville, KY 502-456-1920, Lexington, KY 859-278-0581
Texas Auction Academy - Dallas, TX 972-387-4200
Western College of Auctioneering - Bozeman, MT
The Kentucky Board of Auctioneers has approved the pre-license education curriculum from the following schools:
A-Pass-Weikel Institute - Louisville, KY 502-456-1920, Lexington, KY 859-278-0581
Kentucky Auction Academy - Bowling Green, KY 270-780-9513
Kentucky Auction Educators, LLC - 270-378-1108, 502-905-7923
Exam Fee is $125
Exam Study Guide
Exam Checklist.pdf
Exam Pass List